
Unlocking Disciple-making
Keys to Unlocking Disciple-making Let’s consider the keys to unlocking how to be effective at making disciples. Lock and key are apt descriptions. Too often when people are converted the church does not retain them. We need to ask ourselves...
The Power of Narcissistic Pride
I’ve been a pastor for almost 30 years and in ministry for nearly five decades. There have been more ups than downs, but in the down-times, when stress was high, there’s one thing I never did. Quit. Dealing with selfish...
The Power of Questions!
Inquisitive people win the day and show the way. Inventions happen when someone questions what others perceive as certain. Jesus and Questions Jesus asked 307 questions and was asked over 180 questions. Interesting the one who knew the most asked...
Are We Scoring Points or Just Tossing the Ball Around?
Are you effective with growing a church, winning the lost, and turning converts into disciples? If so, your effectiveness on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ did not happen by accident. You made some intentional decisions.  The concepts presented here are...
Friend or Leader?
Would you rather be "loved" or "respected"? A comedian is liked. People laugh. Is he respected? Respect is earned by loving people AND treating them with merciful and kind respect. 
Christmas During Our Pandemic, Does It Have to be a Bad Thing?
2020 has been difficult for the entire world. Celebrations, weddings, graduations, work, birthdays; were either postponed, or downsized.But does Christmas and the holiday season have to be a bad one? Absolutely not!
No Root, No Fruit! The Importance of Stabilizing Converts Before Putting Them in Key Roles
Do Christian leaders occasionally make the mistake of trying to bring people to a place of participation they are not ready for. People should be rooted in the church as well as rooted in the Word of God to be productive.
Book of Acts, Chapter 1, Verses 6-8 - Pentecostal Power
Ordinary people were able to do extraordinary things because the Spirit of God was at work in their lives.  The ministry of the Holy Spirit is not a luxury; it is an absolute necessity 
Book of Acts, Chapter 1, Verses 6-8 - Are You in the Same Business God is in?
The light that shines the farthest shines the brightest at home.
Book of Acts, Chapter 1, Verses 3-5 (continued) - Infallible Proofs
Infallible proofs were provided to the apostles. By extension, I can choose to believe and accept these infallible proofs though I did not see this proof for myself.
Book of Acts, Chapter 1, Verses 1-2 (continued)
With Jesus there was action and doctrine. A bird must have two wings in order to fly. The church must also have the two wings of “action” and “instruction.” Seek balance – “to do and teach.”  Both are necessary. To be over-balanced toward one or the other leaves the church weak.
Book of Acts, Chapter 1, Verses 1-2 (continued)
Began . . . a word that calls for a continuation. Luke was volume one of a saga that could not be contained in one writing,. God's approach is different, the tools being employed are different, but what He started has not concluded.
Book of Acts, Chapter 1, Verses 1-2
Christianity is a point of departure as well as a point of arrival. The acts and words of Jesus are a beginning, a center from which to journey.
For Better Understanding of Acts Blog #8

The book of Acts covers approximately thirty years. Understanding the time involved gives a sense of the time in Paul becoming a convert, a disciple, and then a student of the scripture. It helps see the development of Peter as the apostle preaching the first gospel message to the Jews and nine years later to a Gentile.


Various Ways of Looking at Acts (Continued) Blog #7

Acts contains an experiential theology of salvation whether dealing with those who conspired to commit murder (Acts 2); a prayerful and honest-hearted Roman military official (Acts 10), or an Ethiopian who had traveled to Jerusalem to worship (Acts 8). How to be saved is found in the book of Acts!


Various Ways of Looking at Acts (Continued (Blog #6)
Step by step the gospel message moves from Jerusalem to Rome. The missionary effort was not easy. Persecution, personal disagreements among leaders, and people backsliding did not stop the missionary effort.
Various Ways of Looking at Acts (Continued) Blog #4

This view sees Acts as a pattern. Acts is thus like the Lord's command to Moses regarding the tabernacle. "...Look that thou make them after their pattern, which was shown thee in the mount." (Exodus 25:40)


Various Ways of Looking at Acts (Continued) Blog#3

Acts has much divine activity. God was breaking in on people of various cultures and backgrounds. Luke was especially concerned that his readers understand this.