Disciple-Making Resources - "All Things Written"

Disciple-Making Resources - "All Things Written"

Actually, my title is misleading. Some resources introduced here are written, some are videos and some information is about a great course on Disciple-Making that my church-planting son, Lane, and I developed.


You Wouldn't Want an Ostrich for Your Mama 

Job 39 speaks of the maternal instinct of an ostrich. There is not much maternal instinct at all. Is this not the case for many churches in caring for spiritual newborns? Other issues are addressed like - The Sociological Factors in Disciple-making (Think Herod and Pharoah), Make Haste - Drop the Baby (Think Mephipbosheth's nurse). You Wouldn't Want an Ostrich for Your Mama, may challenge your thinking about your church's priorities. 

The How and Why of New Convert Care 

This staple-bound book includes a step-by-step tutorial on what should be done to keep new converts. Not only does it tell you what to do, it tells you why this action should be taken. Even if you don't apply the "why" in the same way, understanding "why" will cause you to develop a solution to meet your convert's needs. 

  • To order from CarltonCoonsr.com
  • To order from Amazon
  • To order for Kindle
  • To order in Spanish

Ten - The First Ten Days of New Life 

A booklet given to converts at the time of their water baptism or infilling with the Holy Ghost. This booklet has fill-in-the-blanks designed to equip the newcomer in the early days of their Christian life. 

Take Root Teacher and Student 

The lessons for converts are titled from the passage of scripture reading, Isaiah 37:31 says "And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward."

Take Root introduces Christian living. Your convert learns basics about prayer and doctrine. The 10 lessons in Take Root are systematic topical instruction. The series need not be taught in its entirety before celebrating with graduation. 

The teacher's lessons are packed with content, so the lesson material can be adapted to meet a particular group's needs. Each student needs their own booklet. So students are invested in the content at Calvary we have them pay part of the cost of their handbook. 

  • To order a Take Root Teacher's Manual from CarltonCoonsr.com
  • To order a Take Root Teacher's Manual from Amazon
  • To order Take Root Student's Manuals from CarltonCoonsr.com
  • To order Take Root Student's Manuals from Amazon
  • To order a (CT - put the name of the Spanish books here . . . and put in Teacher and Student - as is above.) 

Bear Fruit Teacher and Student (CT, put a link on the book here.  Same as for Take Root)

Bear Fruit moves the person forward in understanding Christian responsibility. Several lessons deal with the disciplines of Godly living, with financial management as well as having the right relationship with the church and pastor. 

As was the case for Take Root, the teacher's manual has more material than can be dealt with in a 45-minute lesson. Again, each student needs their own book. 

  • To order a Bear Fruit Teacher's Manual from CarltonCoonsr.com
  • To order a Bear Fruit Root Teacher's Manual from Amazon
  • To order Take Root Student's Manuals from CarltonCoonsr.com
  • To order Take Root Student's Manuals from Amazon

Fitly Framed (CT, put a link on the book here - if this is not on my website let me know please)

Ephesians 2:21 says of the church, "In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord." The varied materials in a building have different responsibilities. Carpet cannot do the job of shingles. A kitchen sink cannot do the job of a doorknob. Each material is unique with a different responsibility. 

Fitly Framed is a downloadable e-book that has 6 lessons designed to help a person find their passion and fittings. They then are encouraged to function within that ministry. With the purchase of the e-Book, the purchaser has the right to duplicate student handouts going forward. 

Fitly Framed is the third part of our discipleship plan. 

  • To order the Fitly Framed Ebook from CarltonCoonsr.com (CT, put a link on the book here)


Disciple-Makers Training Course

The Disciple-Maker's Training Course is an online video-based course designed to assist local church leadership in developing a sustainable Discipleship program. This is important. "If you have no strategy for keeping new converts you won't keep them." The content is proven. These concepts have been used for three decades. Along the way, tweaks have been made to match our changing culture. 

C. Lane Coon is a church planter in Suwannee, Georgia. Other than Lane and his wife Shelley, their church at the time of the development of the course, consisted totally of first-generation Pentecostals. A church planter faces different challenges and must have different solutions than an older church. 

The Disciple-maker's Training Course is thorough. There are abundant bonuses, including a significant discount on Discipleship material.

As a newcomer's opportunity, right now The Disciple-makers Training Course is available to you for 1/2 of the list price of $297. This opportunity is available to you for the next 24 hours.  


Various No-Cost Videos, blog posts and articles about Disciple-making

CT - go through the videos first, then the blogs to find articles about disciplemaking.  For each video or blog post put the title, when it was taught or written and then use the title as a link. 

CT - before you hand this back to me - go back and check each and every link to make sure it goes where we want the person to go. 



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