
Are We Scoring Points or Just Tossing the Ball Around?

Are you effective with growing a church, winning the lost, and turning converts into disciples? If so, your effectiveness on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ did not happen by accident. You made some intentional decisions. 

Steps to Powerful Preaching
What is powerful preaching? Is it preaching that brings people to their feet? Is it preaching that hits the “hot buttons” an audience will heartily respond to? Is it loud? Does the preacher need to seem as though he just drank three Red Bull energy drinks?
Keep Converts, Make Disciples, Experience Healthy Church Growth - the Foundation Matters
Jesus’ conclusion to the Sermon on the Mount, spoke of the necessity of a good foundation. A good foundation is significant in anything that matters.  To experience healthy church growth, having the right foundation is a requirement. Such growth does...
Unlocking Disciple-Making
Let’s consider the keys to unlocking how to be effective at making disciples. Lock and key are apt descriptions. Too often when people are converted the church does not retain them. We need to ask ourselves why? 
Who Helped in the Making of You?
There are days when "thank you" seems appropriate. Whose hand was on the shaping of you? I'd love to hear the names of the unknown and unheralded who made you what you are.
Introduction to the Acts of the Apostles

The Acts of the Apostles continues in the same vein of the gospel of Luke as Luke (the author) begins to share the "teaching" and "doing" of the followers of Jesus.

Personal Devotion IS Quiet Time

Personal devotion best begins with a quiet spirit. Anyone's spirit can be agitated. Often, to calm our human spirit requires divine intervention. If your spirit is restless. Rolling and tumbling moving about like the sea during a storm, start your personal devotion by taking your disquiet to Jesus.