
Steps to Powerful Preaching
What is powerful preaching? Is it preaching that brings people to their feet? Is it preaching that hits the “hot buttons” an audience will heartily respond to? Is it loud? Does the preacher need to seem as though he just drank three Red Bull energy drinks?
The Devil's Handtool
An old story told of the devil once advertising his tools for sale at public auction. When the buyers assembled, there was one odd shaped tool labeled “Not for Sale”. 
Pursuing God

Some chase ministry, or a church that allows them to relax without significant responsibility. What if there was only ONE to chase after? The ONE we sought without exception being JESUS!

Having Forgotten the Focus
Is it possible that some people know how to “do” church, but don’t know how to fellowship with Jesus? Jesus desires us to have life practices that help us to know Him in a more personal way.