
Steps to Powerful Preaching
What is powerful preaching? Is it preaching that brings people to their feet? Is it preaching that hits the “hot buttons” an audience will heartily respond to? Is it loud? Does the preacher need to seem as though he just drank three Red Bull energy drinks?
Friend or Leader?
Would you rather be "loved" or "respected"? A comedian is liked. People laugh. Is he respected? Respect is earned by loving people AND treating them with merciful and kind respect. 
Book of Acts, Chapter 1, Verses 6-8 - The Remedy for Self Interest
Pentecost changed the entire outlook of these men.
Book of Acts, Chapter 1, Verses 1-2 (continued)
Began . . . a word that calls for a continuation. Luke was volume one of a saga that could not be contained in one writing,. God's approach is different, the tools being employed are different, but what He started has not concluded.
Who Helped in the Making of You?
There are days when "thank you" seems appropriate. Whose hand was on the shaping of you? I'd love to hear the names of the unknown and unheralded who made you what you are.
How Does the Flock Look?

A tidbit of some of the necessary concepts on providing pastoral care for the 21st century.

Shepherding is not easy. There are many things a pastor must keep in mind, and update constantly in order to be effective.