"Grow In Christ" 


Did you know the word disciple means one who learns? Have you stopped growing as a Christian? This group of books will help you grow! 

Do you need to establish a devotional life? Want to be a great saint? Or make Godly decisions? These books have all that and so much more.

Any Christian wanting to grow and learn - needs these proven resources.

“These proven resources are loaded with truths you can apply. Not familiar with this author? If not satisfied, his material has a money-back guarantee.” 


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Personal Devotion

The Legacy of Lot

Ten Days

Distinctly Different

  • Helps establish a sustained practice of daily devotion.

  • Contains three models for personal devotion.

  • Learn to overcome the hindrances to Personal Devotion.

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  • Your daily decisions affect generations coming behind you.

  • Lot made thirteen decisions. Twelve were wrong. 

  • Lot’s family members were affected by his decisions. 

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  • In a few days, establish good habits.

  • Apply simple practices in prayer.

  • Read the Bible for greater benefit.

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  • Being different for God is a choice.

  • When John was surrounded by the worst sort of men, he did not become like them. 

  • He chose to be different. John received a Revelation of Christ.

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Personal Devotion

  • Helps establish a sustained practice of daily devotion.
  • Contains three models for personal devotion.
  • Learn to overcome the hindrances to Personal Devotion.
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The Legacy of Lot

  • Your daily decisions affect generations coming behind you.
  • Lot made thirteen decisions. Twelve were wrong. Lot’s family members were affected by Lot’s decision-making.
  • The wise learn from the mistakes of others. There is no need to repeat Lot’s mistakes.  
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Ten Days

  • In a few days, establish good habits.
  • Apply simple practices in prayer.
  • Read the Bible for greater benefit.
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Distinctly Different

  • Being different for God is a choice.
  • When John was surrounded by the worst sort of men, he did not become like them. He chose to be different. John received a Revelation of Christ. 
  • Esau lived for the immediate. Future benefits meant little to him. By contrast, Jacob wanted to be part of a grand future.
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Musings from Matthew

If Everybody Were Just Like Me...

What the Bible Says...

  • Perfect for devotion, meditation, and conversation.

  • Twenty-eight ideas, one from each chapter for devotionals, sermons, and Bible studies.

  • This eBook resource comes to you in both Mobi and PDF format.

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  • How does Jesus' measure a church?

  • If all who attend your church had the same commitment as you, what kind of church it be?

  • Learn practical steps to make a difference for Christ.

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  • Mature Christians share the gospel. What is your strategy for evangelism?

  • This Home Bible Study has seven topical lessons with teacher’s notes, student handouts and review material.
  • The student handouts and worksheets can be duplicated forever.

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Musings from Matthew

  • Perfect for devotion, meditation, and conversation.
  • Twenty-eight ideas, one from each chapter for devotionals, sermons, and Bible studies.
  • This eBook resource comes to you in both Mobi and PDF format.
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If Everybody Were Just Like Me...

  • How does Jesus' measure a church?
  • If all who attend your church had the same commitment as you, what kind of church it be?
  • Learn practical steps to make a difference for Christ.
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What the Bible Says...

  • Mature Christians share the gospel. What is your strategy for evangelism?
  • This Home Bible Study has seven topical lessons with teacher’s notes, student handouts and student review material.
  • The student handouts and worksheets can be duplicated forever.
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