Partnering in Growth

Soil, seed, water, and sunshine produce natural growth. Every Christian can grow, should grow, must grow, and never stop growing. Every leader can, should, must grow continually.

Personal Development

A disciple is one who learns; and never stops learning. I advocate personal Christian development. And these resources help accomplish your growth. Do you know how to have a personal devotion? If everyone you worship with were just like you, would the church be weak or strong? You can be a great blessing to a local church - if you keep learning.

Christian Growth Collection

What is a believer to do Monday - Saturday? There are seven simple tasks the connected to the word “daily.” The Daily Things of Christian Living resources have helped thousands establish habits that matter.

Ministerial Development

Growing people and a church required change in me. Keep growing in preaching to the lost, administering a growing church, and providing pastoral care in the 21st century.

Bible Teaching Resources

Has the significance of Bible teaching been reduced? It must not remain so. Teaching develops people like no evangelistic service can. You CAN teach God’s word. These resources are relevant and impacting.



Light in a Dark Place – Encountering Depression is my own story. In an earlier pastorate I went to the dark places you describe. It encouraged me to know I wasn’t alone. Light in a Dark Place was incredible. Thank you.

Pastor Chris Paolini

Thank you for Light in a Dark Place – Encountering Depression. I tried to deal with depression by fasting, praying, studying, and repenting. None fully worked. Your book brought perspective and an easing of my battle. I realized that I wasn’t alone.

Dave O.

Light in a Dark Place – Encountering Depression is much needed. The words written here are true and will help many.

District Superintendent Derald Weber

Bad Decisions – The Legacy of Lot is among the best, most thought provoking and challenging books I’ve read. Thanks for dissecting the scriptures and letting God use you to reach the heart.

Justin Lipscomb

Thanks for writing Bad Decisions – The Legacy of Lot. Wow, has it ever opened my eyes? I want to say, “THANK YOU, my wife and I appreciate ALL that you do.”

Pastor F. Delgado

Bad Decisions – The Legacy of Lot is for anyone wanting to make good and godly decisions. Connecting "Remember Lot's wife" with the concept of "Remember Lot" is remarkable.

Pastor Anthony Mangun

Bad Decisions – The Legacy of Lot is a masterpiece. I must have missed something, what is the name of the first book in the God’s Men series?

Pastor Landon Decker
Holtville, New Brunswick; Canada

Distinctly Different provides strategic insight toward becoming a Godly man. If your desire is to become a strong “pillar” upon which the church can depend, read this book.

Myles Young Pastor – The Rock Church
Sacramento, California

If Everybody Here Were Just Like Me . . . (What Kind of Church Would this Be?) helped me lead my church toward being a blessing to the world.

Pastor Granville McKenzie
Toronto, Canada

I want to purchase Masterful Preaching – Restoring the Place of Good News Preaching for many of the preachers in our district. Every pastor needs to read this book periodically.

Former District Superintendent Terry Pugh
Odessa, Texas

I have used the seven topical lessons of What the Bible Says . . . to reach a young man who has been around church for many years but never repented. This is making a huge impact.

C. Hodge

Revival In A Plain Brown Wrapper is an inspiring and instructive book on how to have sustained church growth. The concepts are based on the Biblical principles of sowing and reaping. Read and apply!

Pastor Paul Graham
Montreal, Canada

If you are looking for teachable resources, Carlton Coon Sr. has an abundance. Until He Comes has some of the best material on communion I’ve ever seen. Bible Parenting and Beating the Marriage Busters are also tools I’ve used.

Tennessee Pastor

I’m in the process of studying for my ordination and I just finished reading The Details Matter. I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

Pastor Michael McCormack
Snellville, Georgia

Daily Things of Christian Living will be a yearly read in my life. It will also be a daily “go to” reference . . . I don’t consider many books other than the Bible as essential, but this is number two on my list. The applications presented ensures a searching of the heart and a clarion call back to basics.

Lisa Linder
Rockwood, TN

The Daily Things of Christian Living is one of my very favorite books, of all the books you have ever written. It is so relevant to our daily walk with God.

Diane White
Springfield, Missouri

Your books are great because they deal with helping the church and people personally instead of being a motivational speech, which is the case with many books.

Anonymous Pastor

I found Daily Things of Christian Living extremely user friendly which is something that I look for. The points are engaging and not confusing. This book lays the groundwork for a solid foundation.

Robert Tarpley
District Superintendent

I really love Daily Things of Christian Living. It provided me with practical insights on how Christians should direct their daily lives. It is helpful and practical. The author has really hit the fundamentals of Christian living.

Eugene Roxas

Daily Things of Christian Living was a fundamental part of my development. It is both practical and relevant and will benefit new converts, aspiring ministers and anyone wanting to grow closer to God in their daily walk.

Pastor T.R. Precht