It Takes so Little to Be Above Average is the name of a book by Florence Littauer. Thetus Tenney either gave me a copy or recommended it. The book is practical and gives some practical easy steps to be a memorable impact maker with people.

For those who pastor or are in a church leadership role – Christmas is a time to make a memorable and influential ministry impact.  Yes, Christmas is a time of “good tidings and joy to all people.” The beginning of the incarnation happened at Bethlehem. 

 At the same time, while your kids or grandkids are having a wonderful time, there are others who can benefit from a simple ministering word from their shepherd.  Let me give you four suggestions:

  1. Call the elders in your church – specifically on Christmas day. Many elders have a family that is far away. Elders are the loneliest group in America. A simple call – “Greetings . . . this is Pastor . . . I had you on my mind today. You are precious to me and to my family. You have been one of God’s gifts to us. Thank you for loving us. Merry Christmas.”
  1. In a similar vein – visit any who are in an elder care facility on either Christmas Eve, or Christmas day. For many years G.A. Mangun, Vesta Mangun, Anthony and Mickey did this. They did not delegate it to someone on the staff. They went themselves. It is hard work, and those facilities are seldom pleasant to visit – but these are the sheep of HIS pasture.

Many of these elders have served God faithfully before you discovered PLANET EARTH. The church you now pastor may exist because of their faithful service and giving.




  1. On Christmas Eve or Christmas day, make phone contact with any who have had a death in their family.
    1. Let them know you are thinking of them and are aware of how difficult this Christmas is. Don’t forget to include the children and teens of the family.
    2. If they want or need to – let them vent.
    3. Before you get off the phone, – pray for them – sincerely and honestly.
  2. If someone in your church carries a particularly heavy load – perhaps a single mother with a handicapped child or someone whose spouse has had a stroke or is suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s – these are carrying a heavy load that NEVER stops. Give them a call as well.

Knowing you think of them, value them and feel love for them makes a great difference. Again, pray for them. Before you do, ask if there are any specific needs you can pray about.

Have a blessed Christmas. Jesus is alive and well – Revival is ours to claim.

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For more information on ministering during Christmas, and reaching to the lost and elders, check out these others blogs and videos:

Christmas Pastoring, What To Do In 2020?

We are in the holiday season, and it's interesting for pastors. Particularly this year which has proven different for the entire world. However, the holidays are always a time of blessing, and a time of great challenge

Ministry Monday--"Pastoral Hack: Use the Telephone" 

Take advantage of holidays, birthdays, and such occasions to become an influence in someone’s life. Little details matter. They make a difference.

Ministry Monday April 2, 2018 - What is a pastor's job description?

What is a pastor's job description? To what degree do we spend time on things Jesus never asked?

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