
It Takes So Little to Be Above Average—This Christmas

For those who pastor or are in a church leadership role – Christmas is a time to make a memorable and influential ministry impact.  Yes, Christmas is a time of “good tidings and joy to all people.” The beginning of the incarnation happened at Bethlehem. 

Book of Acts, Chapter 1, Verses 15-16 - Pray On!
In the days after Jesus ascension and here in deciding on someone to take Judas’ place, they instinctively turned to God in prayer 
Book of Acts, Chapter 1, Verses 12-14 - One Accord -- Ten Times in the Book of Acts
It is not enough for Christians to have faith in the Lord; they must also have faith in one another.
Book of Acts, Chapter 1, Verses 12-14 - The First Deed
They continued daily in prayer and supplication. The use of two words which speak of much the same activity adds weight to what those in the upper room were doing.
Book of Acts, Chapter 1, Verses 12-14 - People in the Upper Room
The eleven had received direct instruction. They were to “wait and then go.” In obedience they came to this place to “wait.” Their waiting was not sitting quietly and folding their hands. Instead they took spiritual action. They prayed.
For Better Understanding of Acts Blog #8

The book of Acts covers approximately thirty years. Understanding the time involved gives a sense of the time in Paul becoming a convert, a disciple, and then a student of the scripture. It helps see the development of Peter as the apostle preaching the first gospel message to the Jews and nine years later to a Gentile.


Various Ways of Looking at Acts (Continued) Blog #7

Acts contains an experiential theology of salvation whether dealing with those who conspired to commit murder (Acts 2); a prayerful and honest-hearted Roman military official (Acts 10), or an Ethiopian who had traveled to Jerusalem to worship (Acts 8). How to be saved is found in the book of Acts!


Various Ways of Looking at Acts (Continued (Blog #6)
Step by step the gospel message moves from Jerusalem to Rome. The missionary effort was not easy. Persecution, personal disagreements among leaders, and people backsliding did not stop the missionary effort.
Various Ways of Looking at Acts (Continued) Blog #5
The church in the book of Acts is shown as a spiritual entity. At their best, the Christians in Acts were indwelt, empowered, and guided by the Holy Spirit.
Various Ways of Looking at Acts (Continued) Blog#3

Acts has much divine activity. God was breaking in on people of various cultures and backgrounds. Luke was especially concerned that his readers understand this.


Pursuing God

Some chase ministry, or a church that allows them to relax without significant responsibility. What if there was only ONE to chase after? The ONE we sought without exception being JESUS!

Having Forgotten the Focus
Is it possible that some people know how to “do” church, but don’t know how to fellowship with Jesus? Jesus desires us to have life practices that help us to know Him in a more personal way.
Personal Devotion IS Quiet Time

Personal devotion best begins with a quiet spirit. Anyone's spirit can be agitated. Often, to calm our human spirit requires divine intervention. If your spirit is restless. Rolling and tumbling moving about like the sea during a storm, start your personal devotion by taking your disquiet to Jesus.