
It Takes So Little to Be Above Average—This Christmas

For those who pastor or are in a church leadership role – Christmas is a time to make a memorable and influential ministry impact.  Yes, Christmas is a time of “good tidings and joy to all people.” The beginning of the incarnation happened at Bethlehem. 

Steps to Powerful Preaching
What is powerful preaching? Is it preaching that brings people to their feet? Is it preaching that hits the “hot buttons” an audience will heartily respond to? Is it loud? Does the preacher need to seem as though he just drank three Red Bull energy drinks?
No Root, No Fruit! The Importance of Stabilizing Converts Before Putting Them in Key Roles
Do Christian leaders occasionally make the mistake of trying to bring people to a place of participation they are not ready for. People should be rooted in the church as well as rooted in the Word of God to be productive.
The Power of Narcissistic Pride
I’ve been a pastor for almost 30 years and in ministry for nearly five decades. There have been more ups than downs, but in the down-times, when stress was high, there’s one thing I never did. Quit. Dealing with selfish...
Who Helped in the Making of You?
There are days when "thank you" seems appropriate. Whose hand was on the shaping of you? I'd love to hear the names of the unknown and unheralded who made you what you are.
How Does the Flock Look?

A tidbit of some of the necessary concepts on providing pastoral care for the 21st century.

Shepherding is not easy. There are many things a pastor must keep in mind, and update constantly in order to be effective.

Pastor, thank you for feeding me
Well-fed Sheep The late George Glass Sr. often said, “The most important man in any community is the pastor of a truth-preaching revival church.” He was right! Pastor, you are appreciated! The Lord Jesus Christ planned for His people to...