Infallible proofs were provided to the apostles. By extension, I can choose to believe and accept these infallible proofs though I did not see this proof for myself.
God does not always inform us as to the “so that” intended as the next step forward, but never stop looking for God’s “so that” in your life. You ran into an old friend last week. Was the intent to get an update on their family? Perhaps, or was something else meant to happen?
Books have been written about the last words of various people. God manifest in flesh spent His last days on earth focused on, “the things pertaining to the kingdom of God.”
As the group near the ascension of the Lord, He gave specific instruction as to where they were to go and what they were to wait for. What had been spoken of just over 40 days earlier would soon be a reality.
The main difference between John and the book of Acts disciples was that the disciples had experienced a personal Pentecost – they had been filled with the Holy Ghost. Empowered by the Holy Ghost, the disciples could exclaim, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13).
To hear someone else's story of success is often motivational. It an build our faith. In the early 1900's, Horatio Alger wrote stories about impoverished boys who managed to rise above their low place in life. Poverty was rampant. Horatio Alger wrote to encourage boys and young men of their potential.
Imagine them thinking and talking among themselves, ”You know that resurrection was a pretty neat trick, but I wonder when He is going to take care of the ‘main’ thing, the business of restoring the kingdom to Israel?”
Guest post: by Carolina Toledo (Carolina is a Virtual Assistant who does much of my transcription, setup of website content, editing of video, etc. She lives in Intibucá, Honduras, where they have recently experienced significant difficulty. I invited Carolina...
Jesus’ conclusion to the Sermon on the Mount, spoke of the necessity of a good foundation. A good foundation is significant in anything that matters. To experience healthy church growth, having the right foundation is a requirement. Such growth does...
Let’s consider the keys to unlocking how to be effective at making disciples. Lock and key are apt descriptions. Too often when people are converted the church does not retain them. We need to ask ourselves why?
The story of Joseph and his brothers is one of jealousy, betrayal, and deception among siblings. Joseph's older brothers entered into aconspiracy of manipulationthat lasted for many years.
In this instance, confession must precede suggestion. This is an area where my struggle continues. However, being aware of the problem increases my mindfulness (at times) of how I’m dealing with time. ****************** Six Filters for Time The statement, “I...
God does miracles on the basis of faith’s expectation. You can know about the Lord Jesus Christ, as a character of history, a religious guru, or have some in-depth knowledge similar to that of young Moses. But to know - is not to have experienced.
Humans have consistently worshipped some deity, even if it is being gods unto themselves. From rain forests to mountains in Asia evidence exists to connect with the gods. Such gods had a specific portfolio. The oft-mentioned Baal was god of...
What happens when a pastor and spouse “age out?” Too often there is no smooth plan to move to another season of service. This blog poses a question without providing an adequate solution. Thought-provoking
Can a Person Read too Much? Even too much of the Bible? It would be folly to make that statement. So I won't. Perhaps the question should be set up better. Imagine this scenario. You, read five chapters today. Done daily,...
Discouragement is one of Satan's best used tools. And often discouragement comes through the words and behavior of others. (Defeating Discouragement continued - to read Blog #1) But there are other causes. #2 Discouragement - The Way of Life Life...
The three chapters of Habakkuk are interesting. They contain a discussion between the prophet and the Lord. There is not much in Habakkuk that is prophetic. It is a faithful servant of God having a one-on-one conversation with the Almighty....
There are days when "thank you" seems appropriate. Whose hand was on the shaping of you? I'd love to hear the names of the unknown and unheralded who made you what you are.
Pastor, I appreciate you as my leader. Leading is not fun, nor is it easy. There is too much responsibility. You lead people. Longtime pastor, Ron Mullins' book title captures it: People are a Mess, and We are all People....