
8 Cosas que aprendí de G.A. Mangun
El difunto G.A. Mangun fue mi pastor por solo unos cuantos meses. Fue nuestro presbítero por más de 50 años. Aprendí de él—por observación, lo que me llevó a mis pobres esfuerzos de duplicarlo. Aprendí: recibe el mensaje y permanece...
Echar raíces y luego dar frutos
La visión de Isaías para Israel incluía tanto la "raíz como el fruto.” Echar raíces hacia abajo y dar fruto hacia arriba. (Isaías 37:31) ¿Qué aspecto tiene la fruta? Gálatas muestra el "fruto del espíritu.” Esto será parte de la...
Is Your Church Closed to New Business?
Discipleship is a difficult thing when a church functions as a closed circle or group. The phrase,  "closed set" is mathematical, so I will be misusing the term is this blog.  A note, if you have not given thought to...
Pastoral Ministry REALLY is Hard!
Many pastors enjoy what they do. Yet, some who felt called to preach, in time, abandon the ministry. It is an unfortunate and tragic loss to the body of Christ.  During Pastor Appreciation month, my blogs will focus on putting...
Preaching to the Unsaved, How Can we Improve?
Does any other preacher look back at your old sermon notes and get mad at yourself? I do! Looking at good material preached forty years ago aggravates me. What disappoints me is my misuse of good material. Here is the...
Tomar Raíz, hacer crecer los discípulos de la mejor manera
Las plantas plásticas se ven verdes y bonitas, pero nunca producirán frutos. La forma en que Dios hace las cosas es un poco más lenta, pero produce resultados. Varias veces la Biblia dice:   Tomar Raíz hacia abajo y dar...
Book of Acts, Chapter 1, Verses 1-2 (continued)
Began . . . a word that calls for a continuation. Luke was volume one of a saga that could not be contained in one writing,. God's approach is different, the tools being employed are different, but what He started has not concluded.
Book of Acts, Chapter 1, Verses 1-2 (continued)
Jesus was both a “doer” and a “teacher.”  Teaching without action is philosophy. Those who “do” without having instruction usually end up taking that is unfocused or do things the hardest way possible. As leaders we must “do” and “teach.”
Book of Acts, Chapter 1, Verses 1-2
Christianity is a point of departure as well as a point of arrival. The acts and words of Jesus are a beginning, a center from which to journey.
Book of Acts, Chapter 1

The four gospels funnel into Acts. Acts is then a too oft ignored bridge from the life of Christ into practiced and practical Christianity.

In each age, the church must be redefined by the Bible and Holy Ghost. If this redefining does not happen, the church gets lost in the wrappings of the contemporary culture. 

Book of Acts, Chapter 1, Verses 1-2 (continued)
With Jesus there was action and doctrine. A bird must have two wings in order to fly. The church must also have the two wings of “action” and “instruction.” Seek balance – “to do and teach.”  Both are necessary. To be over-balanced toward one or the other leaves the church weak.
The Day the Ostrich Went to Church
Disciple making is essential for growing Christ’s kingdom. While we may have a grand record for converts, how many of these become disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ? How many of those we convert will make it to heaven? Now –...
The Christian – Unacceptably Depressed
Many see depression as something a Christian should not experience. If depression is discussed, it is spoken of in whispers. Because of religious and cultural taboos, many people do not understand that depression is a real disease. Why is depression...
Daily Purpose (Review Chapter from Daily Things of Christian Living)
Daily Things of Christian Living Review Chapter - Daily Purpose In the late ‘90s, two books took the Christian world by storm. Decades later, The Purpose Driven Church and The Purpose Driven Life, authored by Rick Warren continue selling...
The Power of Narcissistic Pride
I’ve been a pastor for almost 30 years and in ministry for nearly five decades. There have been more ups than downs, but in the down-times, when stress was high, there’s one thing I never did. Quit. Dealing with selfish...
Disciple-Making Resources - "All Things Written"
Actually, my title is misleading. Some resources introduced here are written, some are videos and some information is about a great course on Disciple-Making that my church-planting son, Lane, and I developed. Books You Wouldn't Want an Ostrich for Your...
Depression in "All Things Written."
Some imagine a person who is clinically depressed (now called a Major Depressive Disorder) to certainly be out of God’s will.Acceptable Christian emotions include joy, peace, hope, faith, and victory. Depression is simply not acceptable; not for a Sunday school...
Resources for Pastors "All Things Written"
Atlanta Pastor Darrel Johns says, "You are never any better than your resources." I've put much value on resources. Good resources make preparation to preach, teach, counsel, lead and disciple easier.  I have a passion for helping God's leaders be...
Take Root, Growing Disciples the Best Way
Plastic plants look green and good - but will never produce fruit. God’s way of doing things is a bit slower, but produces results. Several times the Bible says:  Take root downward and bear fruit upward. A convert’s growth requires...
Ministerial Development - 8 Things Learned from G.A. Mangun a True Revialist

Perhaps without him realizing it G.A. Mangun was influencing the following generation in an "outsized" way. I wish I had paid more attention and had more time. There is so much more I could have learned. A few things I gained from this man of evangelism and prayer.

Take Root and Then Bear Fruit
Isaiah’s vision for Israel included both “root” and fruit.” Take root downward and bear fruit upward. (Isaiah 37:31) What Does Fruit Look Like? Galatians showcases the “fruit of the spirit.” This will be part of a mature Christian’s life. Romans...